Popular Services

Add/Drop Course - Registration Action Form
General Registration inquires and issues

New Diploma Requests
Replacement Diploma Requests
Electronic Diploma Requests

Clearinghouse Verification
Deferment, Common Application, Dependent Student Certification,
Scholar Enrollment, Firstmark Services Verification,
and Sibling Enrollment Verification

Academic Probation
Change of Major, Minor, or Certificate
Degree Conferral
Degree Audit
Degree Works
Double Line Request
Waiver and Substitution

Requests related to creating, restoring, deleting, mapping, or granting access to a file share (network drive).

Student billing is on a semester-basis. Billing statements as of print date are emailed to students' Pace-issued email accounts. Up-to-date account and billing details are available in the Payment Portal. Please note: Students are responsible for all charges, whether or not a University bill is received. Updated semester charges and payments/financial aid/credits are available through the My Account/Account Activity menu option in the Payment Portal.

Payment Plans
Wire Payments
Credit, Bank Card payments

Administrative Landline Telephones, Voicemail, Call Centers, LanFax, Residence Hall Cable TV.

Looking for Mobile Device Order/Upgrade/Setup? Please use this form instead: https://helpdesk.pace.edu/TDClient/213/Portal/R...

Open an Application for Graduation request with the Office of the Registrar.

Hardware/Software, Performance/Malware Issues, Equipment Setups/Moves/Disposal

Enrollment in Undergraduate Course at Another Institution (CAAI)
Graduate Transfer Credit Inquires
Study Abroad
Syllabus Submission
Transfer Credit Evaluation Inquiries

Order Problems
General Questions
Certification Requests: CA & TX PA Boards only

If you do not currently have Federal Work Study included in your Financial Aid package and would like to be reviewed for Federal Work Study eligibility.

Use this form to submit a copy of your signed Graduate Scholarship Agreement form.

If you still need assistance from the Financial Aid Office or have a general request not included above.

Banner Admin customization, changes, or other configuration requests.

Students returning from a leave of absence may appeal for the reinstatement of their Pace-funded merit scholarship. If they meet all the standards for reinstatement, including satisfactory academic progress, the merit awards will be restored upon their resumption of studies.

If you previously broke the terms of your scholarship agreement form (i.e. failed to meet the QPA requirements) students may appeal for the reinstatement of their Pace-funded merit scholarship once they are again meeting the requirements.