Pace Portal



You use Pace Portal to access information about your courses, accounts, financial aid, registration, grades, pay advice, tax forms, personal information, course rosters, faculty resources and much more! In addition, the Portal gives you access to Pace activities, events, and news.

Note: If you are a first-time user and have never logged into your Pace Portal account, you will need to activate your account and set up your password first, before proceeding with the steps below.  You'll also need to be enrolled in Duo Multifactor Authentication (MFA).  To enroll, please review the Duo (MFA): First Device Enrollment article.


Provided below are step-by-step instructions for logging in to Pace Portal.

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your Pace username (e.g. jd12345n) and Pace password
    MyPace Portal
  3. Click LOGIN
    • Note: Duo Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Passcode Requirement
      • Faculty, staff, contractors, and students will be prompted to enter an additional passcode to complete their 2-factor authentication to gain entry into Pace Portal. To enroll a device for the first time, please visit Duo (MFA): First Device Enrollment article.
      • Please see additional instructions in using Duo prompt below.
  4. You will be directed to the Pace Portal Home page
    pace portal home

Instructions for faculty, staff, contractors, and students who have enrolled in Duo MFA:

All faculty, staff, contractors, and students are required to use Duo 2-factor authentication. To enroll your device for the first time, please visit Duo (MFA): Initial Setup for Protected Pace System article.

  1. You will be prompted to enter your Duo passcode
    Duo Passcode
    • Note:
      • Instructions in retrieving the passcode from a Duo registered device can be found in the next step.
      • Users with multiple Duo registered devices can select from the Device drop down menu to specify the device where the passcode number is being generated from.
  2. Open Duo Mobile app from your mobile device
    Duo App
    • Note: Users with a Duo hardware token can turn the device ON by pressing the green button and skip to step 5.
  3. In the Duo Mobile app, tap Pace University if the 6-digit passcode is not shown
    Tap Pace University
  4. A passcode is generated from the Duo Mobile app as shown in the example below
    duo 30 sec
    • Note: The generated passcode can only be used once. To generate a new one, wait 30 seconds for Duo to refresh a new passcode. 
  5. Returning to the Pace Portal page, enter in the 6-digit passcode generated from the Duo Mobile app or hardware token and click Verify
    duo code
  6. Click Yes, this is my device button
    • Note: Depending on your browser and/or version, you may see a Trust browser checkbox on the passcode screen which replaces step below.
  7. If prompted, click the Yes, trust browser button to skip the passcode entry step for a predetermined number of future logins when accessing the system using the same device and browser.
    trust browser
    •  Note: We recommend you click No, do not trust browser when using a shared or public device.
  8. You will then be directed to the Pace Portal Home page
    pace portal

For further assistance to obtain technical assistance from an ITS representative, please use the following means:

Note: We strongly recommend that you call the ITS Help Desk first for assistance, or if you need to make a walk-in appointment with a technician.



Article ID: 3952
Mon 3/7/22 4:08 PM
Mon 5/13/24 4:09 PM