For quick reference, below are Frequently Asked Questions for Exchange Online. Please select your topic below.
Add Inbox Rule
What are the features found on Exchange Online?
Review some of Exchange Online ( features highlighted in the Outlook Quick Start Guide (PDF).
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How do I turn Conversation View On and Off in Outlook Exchange Online?
To turn on or off conversation view follow the steps below:
Select the desired folder (e.g. Inbox, Sent Items, etc.)
Below Search, click the View tab

Click the Messages dropdown menu

Hover over the Conversations option and click Group into conversations or Show each message separately.

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How can I view the remaining e-mail quota for my Exchange Online e-mail account?
Click your mouse over the
gear icon on the top right corner

Click General

Select Storage

The Storage window will display the remaining quota

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I am a student worker/graduate assistant, how do I access a department shared calendar/inbox?
Users must have permissions to open a shared mailbox using Outlook Web Access. You can obtain permissions through your direct report if not already provided. If the required permission has been granted, complete the following steps to open a shared mailbox:
Sign in to Outlook Exchange Online (
Click on your profile icon at the top right of the screen

Select Open another mailbox

Type name of the shared mailbox

Click Open

Note: The shared mailbox will display in the left navigation area. For questions or concerns about accessing departmental accounts, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at (914) 773-3333 or
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Can I search my mailbox?
Yes, you can use the search box at the top of the message pane to search your mailbox.

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Can I add a signature to my e-mails?
Click the
gear icon at the top right of the screen

Click Compose and reply

Type a name for the signature being created

Compose your email signature in the text box

Select your signature under For New Messages if you want the signature to appear on all outgoing emails

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Is there a size or type limitation for file attachments in an E-mail?
Yes, to help prevent viruses, Exchange won't accept file attachments that are executable files. There's also a 25Mb size limitation for attachments.
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Can I spell-check messages?
Outlook Exchange Online does not have a built-in spell checker. The latest version of most web browsers have a spell checker feature availalble. Misspelled words will be underlined within the browser.
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Can I reply to or forward a message?
Yes. To reply to or forward message, open and select the message to forward. At the bottom of the message card, click Reply, Reply all or Forward icon.

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I can't always find messages I search for. How does Search work?
To search for messages, type a word that the messages contain. Search doesn't recognize special search characters, such as square brackets, parentheses, currency symbols, the ampersand, the pound sign, and asterisks.
By default, Search doesn't look in your Junk E-mail folder. To search within your Spam, click on the Junk E-mail folder. Within the search box, type the word you are searching for.
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How do I forward my Pace e-mail?
Students only can forward their Pace e-mail address by following the instructions to the following article: Forwarding Pace Email to a Personal Email Address for Students
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I forward my Pace Exchange email to an external account. Will some of my emails still be retained in the Exchange Junk Email folder?
No. If you forward your Exchange email to an external account, all your emails are forwarded by default. Your external email service may or may not filter the emails, so you will need to check that account’s Junk Email folder periodically.
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Will the emails in my Junk Email folder be automatically deleted?
Currently, emails from the Junk Email folder will be automatically deleted after 30 days. The Junk Email folder can be manually emptied before the 30 days by right-clicking either the individual e-mail or Junk folder and selecting the desired delete option from the menu.
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How can I designate valid emails in my Junk Email folder as legitimate so they are not sent to the Junk Email folder anymore?
Yes. You can designate valid emails in the Junk Email folder as legitimate so they aren't sent to the same Junk email folder anymore. You can refer to the following links to Mark Emails as Not Junk and add them to your Safe Senders List.
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Calendar FAQ
Does Exchange Calendar have event reminders?
Yes, by default, Exchange Calendar displays a pop-up reminder 15 minutes before an event. You change the reminder time by editing the settings for your calendar.
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Can I set up a recurring meeting?
Yes, Exchange Calendar fully supports recurring meetings. To set one up, in your meeting request, select the Repeat icon from the Repeat drop down menu. Select the appropriate time and settings. Once you have selected your options, close the window.

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How long do past events stay on my Exchange calendar?
Your past events remain on your calendar forever, unless you delete them. If you want to view past events, make sure you wait a few seconds for Exchange Calendar to retrieve them for the date you select.
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Can I make a meeting private?
Yes, Exchange Calendar has privacy settings. In the event tabs at the top, Click the Private button so others cannot see the name of the event and its details.

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