Managing Junk Email


Microsoft Outlook provides several options to help manage junk emails. End-users are able to mark/report specific emails as junk and automatically move future messages from the same sender to the Junk Email folder. End-users can also mark/report legitimate emails as not junk, if they are inadvertently blocked and sent to the Junk Email folder. This ensures that future messages from the same sender are received in the Inbox folder. In addition, end-users can create lists of safe senders and blocked senders, and even create inbox rules to further refine their email filtering.

To review general best practices, see the Preventing/Reducing Junk Email: Tips and Best Practices article. Follow the steps below to manage your inbox and reduce the amount of junk email you receive.


Efficiently manage your email across various devices and methods, enabling seamless control over your inbox, including managing junk emails. Learn how to manage your Pace's emails via the following methods:

Note: There are two main approaches to managing Outlook: Exchange server-based and client-only. For example, Outlook client rules will run solely on a computer if the Outlook program is open and active. It is recommended to manage emails using the Exchange Online server as it ensures synchronization across all devices, providing a seamless email management experience.

Summary of Managing Emails

Marking/Reporting Email as Junk

  • Marking an email as junk in the Inbox will move it to the Junk Email folder. The email will also be added to your Blocked Senders list to block future occurrences. Reporting an email as junk will do the same but will also send a copy of the email to Microsoft, which helps them to strengthen their filtering algorithm. Junk email is retained for 30 days before it is automatically deleted.

Marking/Reporting Email as Not Junk

  • Email marked as junk is retained for 30 days before it is automatically deleted. Therefore, it is recommended that you check the Junk Email folder periodically for any emails that may have inadvertently been marked as junk to ensure you’re not missing important messages. For any legitimate email you see in the Junk Email folder, follow the links above to learn how to mark it as not junk.

Adding Blocked Senders and Safe Senders

  • Outlook lets you maintain a list of blocked senders and safe senders. You can add up to a combined 1,024 email addresses (e.g. or domains (e.g. It is common for senders or companies to use different email addresses, so blocking one email address will not block other emails from the same domain. For this reason, it is a good practice to add the domain instead of each individual email address. This would also allow you add more blocked and safe sender entries and help you stay within your limit. All accounts are automatically considered safe and cannot be added to the Blocked Senders list.
  • What is the difference between the Safe Sender and Safe Recipients tab?
    Safe senders are domains and people you always want to receive email messages from.  Safe recipients are recipients that you don't want to block, usually email listserv groups that you’re a member of.  Messages received from any email address or domain in your Safe Senders and Recipients list are never sent to your Junk Email folder.

Adding Inbox Rules to Filter Out Unwanted Emails

  • Inbox rules allow you to automate routing of incoming emails based on criteria you set and provide additional functionality for managing unwanted emails. For example, you can create a rule that checks incoming emails for certain keywords in the subject or body and, if there's a match, it will automatically move that email to a specified folder (e.g., Junk Email).
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