Search through Pace University's online directory for students, faculty, and staff. Pace Directory includes important information such as Pace username, email address, phone/fax numbers, location, and other information. Students can also find their email alias, which they can share with others for correspondence.
The following are steps to find a Pace username and email address:
- Go to the Pace University Directory website at
- Type your First and Last Name in the Name field
- Note: Some users may have difficulty searching because a title is in front of their name or they are known by their preferred name. It is recommended that users search by last name ONLY. If you have a common last name such as "Smith" You may need to search last name, first initial.
- For example, "Jane Doe" can search
- "Doe"
- "Doe, J"
- "Doe, Ms. J"
- Under Person Type choose one of the following:
- All Staff, Faculty, and Students for all person types
- Only Staff and Faculty for Pace Employees
- Only Students for accepted students
- Applicants for students who are still applicants
- If you would like to see search options for Departments or Campus Locations, check off Show advanced search options and make your selection in the fields above
- Note: Tip: Leave this field unchecked for better results
- Check off I'm not a robot
- Note: You may be asked to select all squares within the image to correspond with the word shown. After selection of images has been made, click NEXT or VERIFY button
- Click Search button
- Note: Here are a few Tips
- If your name does not appear, try typing only your Last Name in the Name field and/or selecting All Staff, Faculty, and Students in the Person Type field.
- If you have a preferred name, try using that instead.
- It is recommended that to leave the Show advanced search options unchecked
- Click on your name (link) to access your username and email address
- Your username will appear underneath next to your name