Pace Directory: Online Directory Lookup



Search through Pace University's online directory for students, faculty, and staff. Pace Directory includes important information such as Pace username, email address, phone/fax numbers, location, and other information.  Students can also find their email alias, which they can share with others for correspondence.


The following are steps to find a Pace username and email address:

  1. Go to the Pace University Directory website at
  2. Type your First and Last Name in the Name field
    • Note: Some users may have difficulty searching because a title is in front of their name or they are known by their preferred name. It is recommended that users search by last name ONLY. If you have a common last name such as "Smith" You may need to search last name, first initial.
      • For example, "Jane Doe" can search
        • "Doe"
        • "Doe, J"
        • "Doe, Ms. J"
  3. Under Person Type choose one of the following:
    • All Staff, Faculty, and Students for all person types
    • Only Staff and Faculty for Pace Employees
    • Only Students for accepted students
    • Applicants for students who are still applicants
      person type
  4. If you would like to see search options for Departments or Campus Locations, check off Show advanced search options and make your selection in the fields above
    advanced search options
    • Note: Tip: Leave this field unchecked for better results
  5. Check off I'm not a robot
    • Note: You may be asked to select all squares within the image to correspond with the word shown. After selection of images has been made, click NEXT or VERIFY button
  6. Click Search button
    Search button
    • Note: Here are a few Tips
      • If your name does not appear, try typing only your Last Name in the Name field and/or selecting All Staff, Faculty, and Students in the Person Type field.
      • If you have a preferred name, try using that instead.
      • It is recommended that to leave the Show advanced search options unchecked
  7. Click on your name (link) to access your username and email address
  8. Your username will appear underneath next to your name



Article ID: 4476
Wed 3/23/22 12:09 PM
Tue 2/27/24 1:09 PM