Exam4 - Law School

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At the Elisabeth Haub School of Law School at Pace University, many professors allow their students to take exams on their personal laptops using the Extegrity Exam4 software. To prepare and become familiar with the software, please certify your laptop by installing the Extegrity Exam4 software and taking a practice test in advance of your exam. Click here for instructions on how to install and test the software.

Supported Operating System

  • Windows 11 (Home, Pro, Edu and Enterprise) [versions 20H2**, 21H1**, 21H2**,22H2]
  • Windows 10 (Home, Pro, Edu and Enterprise) [versions 21H2**, 22H2**, 23H2, 24H2]
  • MacOS 12.x.x Monterey**
  • MacOS 13.x.x Ventura 
  • MacOS 14.x.x Sonoma 
  • MacOS 15.x.x Sequoia

** Extegrity Support for these operating systems ends August 1, 2025

Not Supported Operating System

  • Apple Macintosh OS X 11 and earlier/Apple iDevices (iPad, iPhone, etc.)
  • Beta OS versions
  • Chromebooks
  • Linux
  • MacOS 10.13.6 High Sierra
  • Surface devices that do not have Windows 10/11 Home, Pro, Education or Enterprise version
  • Virtual operating systems (VMs)
  • Windows 8.1 and earlier
  • Windows (RT, IoT, Mobile, Team & S versions)/Windows 10 SL (non-English Editions)
  • Windows computers with ARM processors (i.e., Snapdragon)
  • Systems with ARM v8.0 or less processors
  • Windows computers with ARM v8.1 processors (ie., Snapdragon) not on Windows 11 24H2 or higher
  • Anything else not specifically listed as supported above


  1. Access the Exam4 website to register and install the software
  2. Take a practice exam
  3. Familiarize yourself with the software (e.g.; how to get a word count)
  4. Upload the practice exam to a secure server

Note: Exam4 is a simple blue book exam word processing program that locks down your computer so that other programs and files cannot be accessed while taking an exam. A key logger program will take an encrypted snapshot of your exam every few seconds and save it to your laptop. At the end of the exam you will use the software to upload the encrypted exam to a secured folder where the Office of the Registrar will access the exams to print them for your professors. Students cannot open, read, or modify these encrypted exam files once the exam has ended.