Brightspace/Classes: Adding Linkedin Learning Videos to Content Module


Instruction on how to add Linkedin Learning video content to enhance courses.


  1. Go to a Module in Content that you want to place the Linkedin Learning video
  2. Click on the gray Existing Activities dropdown and select LinkedIn Learning from the drop-down menu
    LinkedIn Option
  3. Search for a topic, and click the Add button to the right of the video series to add it to the course
  4. Click Confirm to complete the process

Note for Firefox Browser Users: When attempting to use the LinkedIn Learning External Learning Tool in Firefox, you may encounter a blank screen or endless loading screen. To quickly resolve this known issue, please follow the steps in the Fixing LinkedIn Learning Issue in Firefox article.

For questions, please email us at:


Article ID: 13039
Wed 4/5/23 9:58 AM
Fri 12/8/23 1:24 PM