ePortfolio: Guide for TAP


This tutorial serves as a guide for setting up the Tenure and Promotion (TAP) eDossier Template page and files.

This article is divided into different sections. Please click on the desired link to jump to that section:


Part I: Copying the TAP Template

  1. After logging in to ePortfolio, select My ePortfolio. Then, under Pages and collections, click Copy.
  2. Search for the page titled Tenure and Promotion (TAP) eDossier TEMPLATE by the Academic Portfolio Workshop
  3. Once you find the page, select Copy Page
    copy page
  4. Click Save on the copied page
  5. Once the page is saved, you will be taken to the editing mode of your TAP page. There you will see a list of empty folders. To populate these folders with your files, follow the instructions below.

Part II: Populating the Folders

  1. Click on the ePortfolio icon to be taken back to the Homepage.
  2. Once at the homepage, select the Content tab. Then click Files.
  3. As you scroll down the Files page you will see all of your files and folders. Select the Viewfiles folder, this is the folder where your TAP subfolders are located.
  4. Within Viewfiles there will be another subfolder with a 6 digit number with the description Files copied from Tenure and Promotion (TAP) eDossier TEMPLATE. Click the name title of the folder.
    files copy
  5. You can now see your list of TAP folders. Here you can populate each folder with files from your computer of flash drive. For example, to upload a document in the Executive Summary folder, click the title of the folder.
  6. To upload a file, select the box next to Yes and browse your computer for the file
    choose file
  7. Once the file is done uploading it will be highlighted on the bottom of the page, within the folder.
  8. You will need to drag and drop the file to the appropriate folder
  9. Now when you go onto your TAP page, your file will automatically be on the page underneath the subheading. Repeat steps 5-8 for each folder.