ePortfolio: The Writing Program Assessment Page


This tutorial will teach you how to upload material to your Writing Program Assessment Portfolio page. This process involves three main steps:

  1. Copy the Default EWPAP to your ePortfolio
  2. Upload Content to your new EWPAP
  3. Share your Page with your Teacher and PLV English


Copying the Default EWPAP to your ePortfolio

  1. Click the My ePortfolio tab at the top of the page
  2. Click Copy a page
    copy a page
  3. Type writing in the search bar then click Search
  4. Click copy page button next to the Writing Program Assessment Portfolio page owned by PLV English
    writing program assessment portfolio
  5. When the Edit title and description page loads, click Save at the bottom
    click save

Upload Content to your EWPAP page

  1. Click the Gear button in the area in which you want to edit and/or add content
    click gear button
  2. Click FILES
    click files
  3. Remove the dummy file by clicking Remove
  4. Once the file is removed, check Yes next to upload file and click Choose Files to browse your computer for your document(s)
    upload file
  5. Wait until the file upload is complete. You will see a green success message
    green success message
  6. Then scroll down and click Save

Share the Page

  1. While editing your Writing Portfolio page, click Share page at the top, below the page title
  2. Here you can change permissions to give others access to your page
    give permission
  3. Click Share with and select the option that works best for you. We recommend selected Registered Users.
    registered users
    Share With Options:
    • Public gives everyone access to your page
    • Registered Users only allows those with a Pace ePortfolio login to view your page
    • Friends allow anyone in your Friend list to view your page
    • Pace allows everyone with a Pace login to view your page (Same as Registered Users)
    • Groups allows all members of all or one group to view your page
  4. You may also share with one of your groups or specific individuals
    • Note: Use this option to search for PLV English under Users and click the plus sign next to their name to give them access
  5. After making your selection, leave Access start/end date/time blank
    start to end date
  6. Hit the Save button at the bottom