This tutorial will help you get started importing citations from Pace databases. The examples below use Artemis Literary Resources and PubMed. For directions on importing from other Pace databases, please visit our EndNote Pace Library Guide.
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Search Database
- In a browser (i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Safari) go to the Pace University Library Databases
- Select the appropriate database for your research. Examples for the Artemis Literary Resources and PubMed can be found below.

NOTE: Each Pace database has its own rules for exporting references to EndNote. For more information, please visit our Library Guide.
Example 1: Artemis Literary Resources
- Open up the Artemis Literary Resources database and search for an article
- Once you’ve found an article, open it. Then click on Citation Tools at the top of the page.

- In the popup select EndNote; an RIS file will download

- Click on the downloaded file, and it will open in EndNote
Example 2: PubMed
- Open the PubMed database and search for an article
- Once you’ve found an article, select it. Click on Send to and then select File, change the dropdown to MEDLINE, and click Create File.

- A .txt file will download. Click on the download and save it
- Open EndNote, click File, select Import and File. You can then browse for your saved download
- Under Import Option, select PubMed (NLM), and then click Import

- The file will then show up in your EndNote library