Brightspace/Classes: Sending an Email


This article shows how to send an email within Classes.

This article is divided into different sections. Please click on the desired link to jump to that section:


Sending an Email to an Entire Class

  1. Enter one of your classes (you should not be on the institutional homepage) and click Tools and Classlist in the course navbar
  2. Click the Email Classlist button
    Compose Email
  3. You will see a list of all of the e-mail recipients, beneath that click Compose Email
  4. A new email composition window will open with each recipient in the BCC (blind carbon copy) field
  5. Edit the subject of the message
  6. Enter the body of the message
  7. Add any attachments, or record an audio or video message to attach to the email
    Upload and Record
  8. Press Send

Sending an Email to Selected Individuals

  1. Click Tools and Classlist in the course navbar
  2. Click the checkbox next to the users you want to e-mail
    Users List
  3. Click Email
  4. A new composition window will open with each recipient in the BCC (blind carbon copy) field
  5. Edit the subject of the message
  6. Enter the body of the message
  7. Add any attachments, or record an audio or video message to attach to the email
    Upload and Record
  8. Press Send

Sending an Email to One Person

  1. Click Tools and Classlist in the course navbar
  2. Click the dropdown arrow next to the person you want to email and click the Compost Email button
    Compose Email
  3. A new composition window will open with each recipient in the BCC (blind carbon copy) field
  4. Edit the subject of the message
  5. Enter the body of the message
  6. Add any attachments, or record an audio or video message to attach to the email
    Upload and Record
  7. Press Send