Brightspace/Classes: Creating Anonymous Assignments


To create an Anonymous Assignment in Brightspace/”Classes”, follow the steps below:


  1. On the blue navigation bar running along the top of screen, click on Activities > Assignments
  2. Click the blue New Assignment button
  3. You will be taken to the Assignment Creation screen (see image, below). Give your assignment a name (Display 1) and a maximum point value (Display 2), and note the presence of three tabs on the right side (Display 3)
    new assignment
    • Note: if your Assignment Creation does not look like the one pictured, refer to the end of the article
  4. On the right side, click the top half of the Evaluation & Feedback tab (Display 4) and from the expanded tab check the box marked Anonymous Marking (Display 5)
    • Note: Make sure that your assignment is not Hidden (Display 7); hidden assignments will not appear for students, even if you set a Start Date.
      anonymous marking
  5. Click Save and Close (Display 6) to save your changes and create the assignment.
  6. If your Assignment Creation screen looks different, it is because you are not using the new experience. To switch to the new experience, click the tab hanging down from the upper right-hand corner of the screen (see below) and choose to turn it on.
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Article ID: 5245
Wed 4/20/22 10:09 AM
Fri 7/21/23 9:54 AM