Opt Out of Directory Information

Pursuant to the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Pace University has designated the following student information as directory information: name; campus telephone number; campus address; University e-mail address; date of birth; college or school in which the student is enrolled; program and/or field of study; enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate student, full-time, part-time, not enrolled, graduated); school attended immediately prior to enrolling at the University; dates of attendance; degrees and honors; awards received; and the weight and height of members of athletic teams. Under FERPA, the University may release directory information to the public or to anyone who requests it. However, you have the right to prevent the disclosure of some or all of this information.

Please see the link below regarding how to opt out of the directory information.



Article ID: 2541
Wed 1/19/22 11:31 AM
Thu 1/27/22 7:12 PM