Brightspace/Classes: Grading an Assignment


This article will explain how to grade students' assignment submissions in Brightspace/CLASSES.


  1. Access your course and click on Activities > Assignments to go to the Assignments area.
  2. Either click the name of the assignment in blue, or click the chevron to the right of its name and choose View Submissions from the drop-down menu.
  3. You will see a list of students' names; if they have a submission, you will see it underneath. Click on Evaluate on the right-hand margin of a particular student's row.
  4. You will now be on the Grading screen. The left-hand panel displays the student's work; the right-hand panel provides your grading options. If you do not see the student's document displayed automatically, click on its name (A) and it will fill the left-hand panel. You can enter a grade in the score field (B), add feedback (C) and then either choose to Publish the results (releasing them to the student) or save as a draft (D). You can scroll to the next or previous student using the arrows in the upper-right (E).


Article ID: 16874
Wed 10/25/23 11:11 AM
Thu 1/11/24 11:27 AM