Tags its listserv


For quick reference, below are Frequently Asked Questions for the Listserv site. Please select your topic below.


What is a Listserv?

A Listserv is a method of communicating with a group of people via email through the use of an electronic mailing list. Approved senders can send a message to the listserv, via its own email address, and the listserv software then forwards the message to the list's email subscribers (recipients).  Listservs can be restricted so only one or more specified accounts can send out emails, or they can allow any subscriber to send or reply to emails within the listserv group (e.g. discussion group).  Listservs can also be closed, meaning that only list "owners" can add/remove subscribers (e.g. upon request).  Or they can be open, meaning that anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe themselves at any time.

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How do I access the Listserv?

To use the LISTSERV Web Interface, visit In order to access certain parts of the site, you will need to log in with your full Pace email address (e.g. and your Pace password. If you have previously logged in with a departmental account, or some other e-mail account other than your main Pace email account, please contact the ITS Help Desk at (914) 773-3333 or for assistance.

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How do I send a Listserv email using Microsoft Outlook?

For optimal communication, emails sent to a listserv email address must originate from a Pace University email address.

Note: Listserv Managers are advised to conduct periodic reviews of subscribers to ensure the recipient list remains current. This can be done through the Listserv Web Interface.

  1. Open the Microsoft Outlook application
  2. Click on New Email to start composing a new message
  3. Type the listserv email address  in the To field
  4. Write your email message in the email body
  5. Click the Send button to send the email to the listserv.

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How do I view list archives on listserv?

Viewing List Archives

  1. Log in to using your full Pace email address and your Pace Password.
  2. You should already be on the LISTSERV Archives page. If not, from the side menu, click LISTSERV Archive under Subscriber Options section.
  3. Click on the name of any list to view the Archives page for that list. You can also use the search feature to find for a specific list.
    • Note: Most lists require you to be logged in and be a subscriber of the list in order to view the archives.
  4. Click the Show Latest Messages at the top to view a list of the latest messages sent from the listserv.
  5. Under the listserv's name, there will be a list of months which contain one or more messages posted for that duration. Click the month to view the the various posts that were sent.

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How do I subscribe or unsubscribe to/from a listserv?

Method 1: Via E-mail

  1. Send an email to Leave the subject blank, and in the body, type one of the following:

    Subscribe listname-l FirstName LastName
    Unsubscribe listname-l

Method 2: Subscriber's Option

  1. Log in to using your full Pace email address and your Pace Password.
  2. From the top menu, click Subscriber's Options and LISTSERV Archives
  3. Type the listserv name in the List Name column to filter the list
  4. Select the listserv you would have like to make changes
  5. Click the 3 line menu located on the right side
  6. Select Subscribe or Unsubscribe

To Subscribe to a List:

  • Type your first and last name to the Name field
  • Click Subscribe at the bottom
  • A confirmation request will be sent to your Pace email address
  • Retrieve the email and click the confirmation link request to complete your subscription

To Unsubscribe from a List:

  • Click Unsubscribe at the bottom to be removed from the lists
  • A confirmation will display if you have been successfully removed from the listserv

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How do I manage a list that I own on listserv?

For instructions for managing your own listserv, please refer to the LISTSERV Web Interface article.

For help with the more advanced features of the List Management Dashboard, click the question mark icon in the top right corner of the page, or contact the ITS Help Desk at (914) 773-3648 or

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