Brightspace/Classes: Adding Assessment to a Discussion Topic


This article instructs on how to add an Assessment to a discussion topic in Classes.


  1. Go into your Classes course, and in the blue navigation bar, click on Activities and select Discussions
  2. On the Discussions page, click the chevron button next to the topic and select Edit Topic from the drop-down menu

    Disscussion - Edit topic
  3. Click the Ungraded button
    Discussion Ungraded button
  4. Enter the total number of points in the Points field.
    Discussion Total Points field
    Note: If you are not linking the discussion topic to an existing grade book item, skip to Step #9.
  5. Click the In Grade Book button and select Edit of Link to Existing to link the topic to an existing grade item

    Discussion In Grade Book drop down, edit and link to grade item
  6. Select Link to an existing grade item
    Link to existing grade item
  7. Select the grade item from the drop down menu

    Link to existing grade item, grade item dropdown menu
  8. Click Okay
  9. Click Save and Close