Brightspace/Classes: Exporting Student Quiz Attempts


This article will instruct how to export student quiz attempts to an excel file.


       1.   On the blue navigation bar running along the top of the screen, click on Activities > Quizzes to enter the course’s Quizzes area

       2.  Find the desired test, click the chevron to its right, and choose Grade from the drop-down menu

3. If you have a large class, click the view dropdown in the bottom right corner and select to view 200 students per page

4. Select the checkbox in the upper left corner of the chart to select all students

5. Click the Export to Excel button

6. Save the Excel file

7. To optionally save the timing details of when students started and ended the quiz or saved their question answers, export the quiz logs as well by clicking More Actions, Export Event Logs and save the excel file.





Article ID: 13107
Tue 4/11/23 10:33 AM
Fri 7/21/23 10:58 AM