Password Change to Pace-Owned Windows Laptop Remotely



If you are using a Pace-owned Windows laptop off-campus, there are different steps you must take to change your password rather than the normal procedure of going through  This method is to ensure that your new password applies to your Pace-owned laptop as well all other Pace systems such as Pace Portal, email, etc.


  1. Log on to your Pace-owned laptop
  2. Connect to the VPN using these instructions: Virtual Private Network (VPN)
    • Note: If you are remoted into an Office desktop, please logout before proceeding to the next step
  3. Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE on the keyboard
  4. Click Change a password
    Change Password
    • Note: You will be prompted to change your password
  5. Type your current password in Old password field
    Old Password
  6. Type your new password in New password field
    New Password
  7. Retype your new password in Confirm password field
    New Password
  8. Click the right arrow button or press Enter on your keyboard
  9. Click OK when you receive a confirmation that your password has been changed
    Change Confirmation

Your password is now changed for your laptop as well as all other Pace systems such as Pace Portal, email, and your office desktop. You will login to your Pace-owned laptop with your new password going forward.

  • Note: If you receive the below message after attempting to change your password, you are not connected to VPN. Connect to VPN first, and then attempt to change your password again.



Article ID: 4003
Wed 3/9/22 11:04 AM
Mon 6/10/24 10:37 AM