ePortfolio: Ideas for Incorporating ePortfolio in Your Course



This article shows best practices and ideas for incorporating ePortfolio in your course


Best practices for using ePortfolio at Pace

  • Instructors can create their own ePortfolios to help their students better understand their professional accomplishments and background
  • Instructors can create a group for their course (see tutorial: “How to Create a Group” on www.pace.edu/eportfolio)
    • Can be used to have students submit assignments
    • Instructors can post certain course materials for students in the group to view. Students can post in the forums within the group in a time-stamped post to comment on the material.
      Examples: Dr. Anstendig's ENG 201 group; Dr. Poe's "Capstone Seminar: Literature Between World's" group
  • On the Introduction page, students can post the goals they hope to achieve by the end of the course and/or semester. They can also post the skills they have developed.
  • Students can use the Overall Reflection box of the Introduction page to emphasize what they have learned during the course. This box can also be used for a midterm and/or final reflection statement.
  • By using the feedback option on the bottom of a student’s view, instructors can give students feedback and/or a grade, and other students can offer peer responses.  The feedback can be public or private.
  • Use the journals feature to have students reflect on readings, videos, and other forms of course material
    • students can title a journal after a particular course, book, or assignment and use each entry to build on their thoughts
  • ePortfolios can be a forum for projects
    • Students can post videos, images and blogs in addition to the traditional paper/presentation
      Example: Dr. Poe’s Cultural Literacy Project