EndNote: Getting Started with EndNote for Windows



This tutorial will help you get started using EndNote on a PC. It demonstrates how to set up your EndNote library, import citations from a database, change the reference style, and insert citations in Microsoft Word.


  1. To get started, you’ll need to download EndNote from https://aspnetweb.pace.edu/adam/.
    • Note: Make sure you download EndNote to your personal computer and not a university owned device.
       ADAM site- Download EndNote X7
  2. Once EndNote is installed, open the program and create a new library by selecting File. Click New and then Save. Create only one library.
    • Note: Having multiple libraries can cause issues.
      EndNote Tool- Creating a Library
  3. In a browser (i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Safari) go to the Pace University Library Databases. Select the appropriate database for your research. PubMed will be used in the example below.
     Pace University Library website

    NOTE: Each database has its own rules for exporting references to EndNote. For more information, please visit this Library Guide.
  4. PubMed:
    Open up the PubMed database and search for an article.
  5. Once you’ve found an article, open it. Then click on Send to at the top of the page, and select Citation manager from the drop-down menu.
    drop down
  6. Click Create File and choose to open the file created with EndNote.
    create file
  7. The citation file will then appear in your EndNote Library.
    Endnote library
  8. Once imported, you can format your citations. Click on the drop down in the toolbar. You can choose one of the styles listed or Select Another Style for more options. Once you locate the desired style, hit Choose.
     Selection of styles
  9. Once formatted, you can insert your citations into Microsoft Word by opening a Word document selecting the Insert Citation button.
     Insert citation
  10. Your citations will now appear in your paper formatted in the style you previously selected



Article ID: 5504
Fri 4/29/22 12:01 PM
Tue 7/11/23 9:25 AM