ePortfolio: Hyperlink Text



This tutorial will show you how to add a hyperlink to a text box on a page.


         1. After you login, click on the 3 horizontal line tab in the main navigation bar.


         2. Click on PAGES AND COLLECTIONS


         3. Under PAGES AND COLLECTIONS, choose the page that you want to edit. On the lower right corner of the page tile, click on the 3 vertical dots icon.


         4. Click Edit


        5. Drag and drop the blue plus block from the menu onto your page


       6. Press on Text.


         7. A dialog box will appear allowing you to enter the content of your text box. Highlight the text that should be hyperlinked and click on the Insert/Edit Link icon.

         8. In a new tab, open the website you wish to link to, then copy the URL address



           9.   Return to ePortfolio and paste the URL into the Url field. Click Ok at the bottom.


          10. After inserting the hyperlink, click Save at the bottom



           11. Your hyperlink will now appear on your page



Article ID: 5475
Thu 4/28/22 11:21 AM
Tue 7/11/23 9:15 AM