Brightspace/Classes: View Your Course using Student Preview Mode



Classes  allows teachers to preview the course from the point of view of a student. This enables you to see what students see when they look at your course.

Note: The preview option only gives you an overview of the way students see your course. For example, it is not possible to fill in a quiz or hand in an assignment in this mode.


  1. In the minibar, click your name and then View as Student (or click Change and choose Student).
    view as student
  2. You are now on the Course Home. You can tell by the double-arrow icon that you are now viewing the course as a Student. This also means that the editing tools that you normally have in your regular role are gone.  
    click on your name
  3. If you would like to close the View as Student mode, just click on your name again and then click the little X.  
    close out



Article ID: 4863
Tue 4/5/22 3:35 PM
Fri 7/21/23 10:51 AM