Duo (MFA): Updating Duo Mobile App to Resolve Errors



We encourage all Pace members to update Duo Mobile to this latest version to benefit from the improved experience and enhanced security features. Please check your device's app store for the latest version of the app.

Note: The Duo Mobile app does not support older version of certain operating systems and some country locations. Please refer to the following links for a list of supported Mobile OS, country restrictions, and other known issues:

This article is divided into different sections. Please click on the desired link to jump to that section:


Apple App Store

Note: For more detailed instructions for updating apple apps, please visit Apple App Updates page.

  1. Tap to open the App Store
    Apple App Store
  2. Tap your profile icon at the top of the screen
    Profile icon
  3. Scroll down to see pending updates or recently updated apps.
    • Note: If there is an available update for the Duo Mobile app, the button will be labeled as Update. Otherwise, if the button displays Open, it indicates that there are no pending updates available.
  4. Tap Update next to the Duo Mobile app  -or-  Tap Update All to update all pending apps
    Update App
  5. If prompted, enter your Apple ID password or Face ID/Touch ID
    App Store Password

Google Play Store

Note: For more detailed instructions for updating Android apps, please visit Google Play Updates page.

  1. Tap to open the Google Play Store
    Google Play Store
  2. Tap your profile icon at the top of the screen
    Profile icon
  3. Tap Manage apps & device
    Manage Apps and Device
  4. Tap See details
    See details
  5. Tap Update next to the Duo Mobile app  -or-  Tap Update all for all pending apps
  • Note:  If an update is available for the Duo Mobile app, a button labeled Update will be visible. Otherwise, if the app is not displayed, it indicates there are no pending update.

Identifying Version of Duo Mobile App

The instructions below will demonstrate how to identify the version of Duo Mobile app you have installed on your device.

  1. Open Duo Mobile app from your mobile device
    Duo App
  2. Click the hamburger icon at the top right of the screen
    3 line icon
  3. The version of Duo Mobile app being used by the device will be listed at the bottom
    Version Number

If you would like to get the latest version of the Duo Mobile app, please refer to your devices Apple App Store or Google Play Store.



Article ID: 17709
Wed 12/13/23 12:56 PM
Fri 11/15/24 4:47 PM